Posted in Journey

Wide Meadow…

IMG_9867She put on her gym garment and walked. She took a deep breath and went for a long academic journey. The speed focused on 4.0; the incline quickly adjusted between 0 and 12 percent targeting specific muscle groups and gaining sufficient energy. Mind focused on bright visions of growing, learning, and discovering! Obstacles attempted to pull her off track, but she persisted with a motivated heart aspired to the modest light of dawn.        

IMG_3476 Today, after thirty five thousand and forty miles of creativity and exploration in her academic walk, she sets aside her gym garment and puts on her graduation gown to simply celebrate an innovative self.

IMG_3979 Today, she walks the stairs of the stadium with new perspective of life and with leadership skills of wider vision of growing, learning, and discovering. She walks the stadium while she hears her name proudly pronounced: Kalida Abdul Khalek. And as she walks, she sees herself wandering in a large field full of potentials where she’ll keep reading, writing, learning, growing, discovering, and mostly inspiring!


It is Kalida’s Corner …


Book Illustrator . Photographer . Writer

2 thoughts on “Wide Meadow…

  1. Loveeee it ya albii… keep it up … this is u,this is ur life , this us ur corner. ..thank u soooo much for sharing amazingggg as usual …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hayate Jujito 🌷thanks for your inspiration! You are an amazing artist, and I’ve learned the unique fine lines from you and your reflective work. Your corner radiates the essence of art 🌈


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